The Visual Computer

The Visual Computer is dedicated to reporting on the state-of-the-art of research in the field of graphics, vision, imaging and virtual reality, including applications.

All papers are subject to thorough review and, if accepted, will be revised accordingly. Original contributions, describing advances in the theory in the above mentioned fields as well as practical results and original applications, are invited. In addition to the technical contributions, a regular column, “the webcorner” carries and reviews internet web sites relevant to the topics of the journal and the computer graphics research community. Submissions to this column are welcome. A calendar of events provides information on forthcoming meetings and symposia. Items for these columns are welcome.

Addressed areas

  • Geometric modeling
  • Computer vision
  • Visualization
  • Computer animation
  • Dynamic modeling
  • Motion capture and synthesis
  • Virtual reality
  • Rendering models
  • Texturing
  • Image-based rendering
  • Non-photorealistic rendering